Out with screen time
In with
ballet time

Girl practicing ballet in front of laptop

Workstation will get your kids moving, creating, and learning.

Workstation turns your device into a safe space to work on art, ballet, gymnastics, yoga, hip hop, or anything else your kid is interested in.

At your house, screen time won’t be time to melt brains, idle, and kill time. It will be time to draw, dance, or tumble.

Active participation required

We’ve put together the best library of content that kids love to use to improve their skills. Our content is engaging and skill-building without being overstimulating or addictive.

100% safe

No recommendations, feeds, algorithms, infinite scroll, or auto-play. No parental controls or content filters that “usually” work.

The only content on the device is what you, the parent, specifically choose to include.

Non-addictive by design

Unlike every other device for kids, our goal is to create a screen that your kids won’t want to keep using.

Your kids will use it for a specific purpose (practice drawing, do a ballet video, etc), then put it away when they’re done.

Independent use

We've created an intuitive interface that children as young as 2 can use independently.

Your kids will be teaching themselves gymnastics while you finish dinner.

Turn screen time into
ballet time

The Manifesto

Some apps make their users better. They help users discover new passions, go deep on interests, and gain new skills.

But apps made for kids... they aren’t like that. They’re mindless. Addictive. Passive. They teach kids that technology is there to entertain and entrap them.

So we built something different. Something that makes us proud when our kids take it off the shelf. Something you’ll feel good about your kids using.

No mindless tapping games. No endless autoplay. No meltdowns when it’s time to unplug.

In fact, you won’t need to unplug it. Because this is a screen your kids will use to get something done, and then they’ll put it away by themselves. It’s non-addictive by design.

No screen time limits. No fiddly parental controls. The only content on the device is what you, the parent, choose. And the concept of “screen time” just doesn’t apply.

This screen is not a “screen”. It’s a tool. A tool for “ballet time”. A tool for “art time”. A tool for “gymnastics time”.

Your kids won’t be sitting there, eyes glazed over, being algorithmically led down a YouTube rabbit hole starting with Cocomelon and ending up in the land of AI-generated Elsa jumpscares.

They’ll be standing in front of the screen moving around. Dancing. Drawing. Cartwheeling.

This screen shows kids that devices are good for more than melting their brains. They’ll see that technology can help them develop new interests and improve their skills.